how much are waiters and waitress paid in dubai hotels


Have you ever wondered how much waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels make? If you are curious about the salaries earned by hospitality professionals in one of the world’s most luxurious cities, then you are in the right place!

Welcome to our blog post on average salaries for waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels.

We thought that it would be a good idea to create a comprehensive guide to this topic, as we know that Dubai has become one of the world’s top tourist destinations in recent years, and the hospitality industry has played a crucial role in this success. So, whether you are considering a career in the hotel industry or simply interested in knowing more about career opportunities in Dubai, this article will provide you with a detailed insight into the earning potential of waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels.


When it comes to the luxury hotel experience, Dubai is unmatched. It’s the kind of place where you can expect to be treated like royalty, and visitors from around the world come to soak in the opulence. But what about the people who work at these hotels? Specifically, how much do waiters and waitresses make at these high-end establishments?

Turns out, being a waiter or waitress in a Dubai hotel can be a highly sought after, lucrative profession. In this article, we’ll explore the average salary range for waiters and waitresses, the different types of hotels in Dubai where they work, how their experience level can affect their salary, and the perks and benefits associated with the job. We’ll also delve into working hours, tips, and service charges. By the end of this piece, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the factors affecting waiter and waitress salaries in Dubai hotels and what you can expect if you choose this career path.

Average Salary Range for Waiters and Waitresses in Dubai Hotels

Waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels enjoy a lucrative salary that is higher than in many other international destinations. On average, the monthly income for staff starting out in this profession is around 2,500 to 4,000 new Israeli shekels, or about $760 to $1,220 USD. Salaries for experienced professionals with more than five years of experience can range from 7,000 to 11,000 new Israeli shekels, equivalent to $2,139 to $3,366 USD.

This earning potential, coupled with the opportunity to work in a luxury environment that is world-renowned, makes being a waiter or waitress in Dubai hotels a desirable career choice. The income can also be further enhanced by tips, service charges and bonuses, which can improve the base pay.

Additionally, many Dubai hotels offer benefits such as accommodation, health insurance, education coverage, and free meals, which can help further boost the value of their overall compensation package.

Overall, being a waiter or waitress in Dubai hotels can provide a solid financial foundation for those who can successfully manage the demand of the job. Understanding the salary range they can expect also offers transparency to those who are considering joining the profession.

As we move forward, let’s look into different types of hotels in Dubai and how they play a role in the compensation of waiters and waitresses.

Types of Hotels in Dubai

Dubai is known for its variety of hotels that cater to different target audiences. Each hotel type offers unique services, amenities, and experiences to its guests, and this also affects the salaries earned by waiters and waitresses working in these hotels.

  • Luxury Hotels: This type of hotel is the most common in Dubai, offering high-end amenities and top-notch services. Luxury hotels require high-quality service and dining experiences, which drives up the demand for skilled waiters and waitresses. In turn, this increases the salaries earned by staff members who work there.
  • Budget Hotels: Although less common, budget hotels also exist in Dubai and offer more affordable stays for budget-conscious travelers. Waiters and waitresses working in these hotels may not earn as high salaries as those in luxury hotels. However, budget hotel work experience can be a great starting point for career progression in the hospitality industry.
  • Boutique Hotels: These hotels offer unique experiences and a more personalized service, striving to create a homely atmosphere. Boutiques hotel’s smaller size compared to the luxury counterparts results in fewer customers and a decrease in the demand for waiters and waitresses resulting in lower salaries for these professionals.
  • Resort Hotels: Resorts in Dubai offer guests a beautiful natural setting for relaxing, leisure activities. They typically have a range of on-site amenities, including sporting facilities, beach access, restaurants, and cuisines. Waiters and waitresses who work in these hotels tend to earn higher salaries because they need to provide high-quality service to satisfy the needs of the resort guests.

Each hotel type has a different business model, and the number of employees needed, the services offered, and the types of guests they cater to will also affect waiter and waitress salaries. Therefore, understanding the hotel type is essential when looking at waiter or waitress salaries in Dubai.

Experience Level of Waiters and Waitresses in Dubai Hotels

The experience level of Waiters and Waitresses determines the salary range that they can earn in Dubai Hotels. Entry-level waiters and waitresses with no prior experience usually earn a lower salary, while experienced staff who have been in the industry longer, or have undertaken specialized training, can earn a significantly higher salary.

In Dubai Hotels, experience is often rewarded, with employers offering training opportunities, career progression, and specializations to their staff members. For example, many high-end hotels offer specialized training for their employees in various areas like wine, cocktail making, and fine dining, and these additional skills can result in increased earning potential.

Furthermore, there are also many managerial positions that are available in Dubai hotels for experienced Waiters and Waitresses which come with increased salaries. As their experience grows, staff can advance to positions of increased responsibility and become shift supervisors or front of house managers.

Hotel staff in Dubai are encouraged to continuously develop their skillset by undergoing additional training in areas like language learning, computer skills, and customer service. Once they complete these courses, they are likely to earn a higher salary and move up the career ladder.

In conclusion, experience plays a vital role in the salary levels of Waiters and Waitresses in Dubai hotels. By undertaking specialized training, gaining extensive experience, and being promoted to supervisory or managerial roles, waiters and waitresses can significantly increase their earning potential.

Benefits and Perks of Being a Waiter or Waitress in a Dubai Hotel

Working as a waiter or waitress in a Dubai hotel can be truly rewarding, not only in terms of financial compensation, but also in terms of other benefits and perks that come with the job. Here are some of the most common advantages of being employed as a waiter or waitress in a Dubai hotel:

  • Accommodation: Many hotels in Dubai offer free or discounted accommodation for waiters and waitresses, which can be a major attraction for those moving to Dubai for work.
  • Health insurance: Most Dubai hotels offer their staff members comprehensive health insurance coverage, which is a great perk considering the high cost of healthcare in the city.
  • Education coverage: Some hotels in Dubai offer staff members education coverage for themselves or their children, which can be a significant benefit for those who are raising a family.
  • Free meals: Many hotels in Dubai offer free meals to their staff members during shifts, which can be a significant saving for those who would otherwise need to spend money on food.
  • Discounts: Waiters and waitresses who are employed in Dubai hotels often have access to discounts on accommodation, dining, and other services offered by the hotel.
  • Career development: Most hotels in Dubai offer opportunities for career development, including training and promotion programs, which can help employees move up the ranks and earn higher salaries.

Overall, the benefits and perks of being a waiter or waitress in a Dubai hotel are significant and can contribute to making the job highly attractive for those seeking employment in the city’s hospitality industry.

As previously mentioned, other than earning a high salary, these added benefits are a major drawcard for potential employees. They provide a unique opportunity for the waiters and waitresses to grow and develop in a world-renowned industry. Truly, the move to Dubai hotels can be one of the best in your professional career, especially if you are working in this kind of industry and seek growth and luxury.

Working Hours of Waiters and Waitresses in Dubai Hotels

Waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels may have to work longer hours than workers in other industries. Hotels have high standards of service to maintain, and as a result, their employees may have to work longer shifts, including weekends and evenings. This is to ensure that guests are always taken care of and are comfortable during their stay. As a result, waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels often work 8 to 12 hours per shift, depending on the hotel’s needs and the number of guests.

Some hotels will compensate their waiters and waitresses for the long working hours with additional pay. The pay rate for extra working hours may differ depending on the hotel. Some hotels may provide overtime payment as per UAE labor law, while others may have a fixed incentive amount for extra working hours. Waiters and waitresses may also have the opportunity to take overtime holidays, which can be especially appealing to those who have family or personal obligations.

It’s essential to note that the long working hours may result in waiters and waitresses becoming fatigued, which may affect their ability to remain focused and perform tasks effectively. However, many hotels offer additional breaks in shifts to ensure that their staff remains fresh and attentive. The additional or extended breaks may range from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the hotel’s operational policies. Hotel waiters and waitresses may also have some downtime between shifts, allowing them to rest and recuperate before starting another shift.

Overall, the long working hours of waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels are manageable with proper rest and support from the hotels they work for. The benefits and perks offered by hotels to their employees also go a long way in making their working lives more comfortable and rewarding.

Factors Affecting Waiter and Waitress Salaries in Dubai Hotels

Several factors influence the salaries of waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels. Understanding these factors can help job seekers make informed decisions about their career path. Following are some factors that impact a waiter or waitress salary in Dubai hotels:

  • Hotel location: The location of the hotel plays a significant role in determining a waiter or waitress’ salary. A hotel situated in a tourist hub or a posh area where guests are more willing to spend will have higher salaries compared to a hotel located in an area that is less attractive to tourists.
  • Type of service: The type of service that a hotel provides can also affect the salary of a waiter or waitress. A fine-dining restaurant that requires formal service typically pays its staff more than a casual restaurant or cafe that serves meals quicker.
  • Cultural needs of guests: Dubai hotels cater to guests from all over the world. Therefore, waiters and waitresses working in these hotels must be aware of the cultural needs of the guests. Servers who can speak multiple languages and are comfortable interacting with people from a diverse background can earn more salary.
  • Performance: A waiter or waitress who delivers top-notch service and goes the extra mile to satisfy guests will naturally earn more salary than someone who meets only the basic needs of the guest.
  • Education and certifications: Possessing relevant education and certifications can give an individual an edge in earning a higher salary. Those who have hospitality degrees or certifications can be preferred over others who do not have them.

Understanding these factors can help job seekers anticipate the salaries they could earn in Dubai hotels. It is essential to keep in mind that the salary range of waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels is variable.

Next, let’s discuss the tips and service charges that waiters and waitresses generally receive from the hotel guests in Dubai.

Tips and Service Charge for Waiters and Waitresses in Dubai Hotels

Waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels can expect to receive tips and service charges in addition to their base salary. While the amount can vary depending on the hotel and the guest’s discretion when it comes to tipping, there are standard practices in place across the industry.

Most hotels in Dubai have a service charge system in place, which means guests pay an additional fee on top of their bill that is later distributed among the staff. The percentage can vary but it is usually about 10% of the total bill. If the guest decides to tip additionally, it is generally between 10-15% of the bill.

The hotels have a system in place to distribute these tips and service charges. It is often based on factors such as the hours worked by each staff member and the role performed. For instance, a waiter or waitress that serves guests in a more luxurious hotel restaurant may receive higher tips compared to a staff member working in a budget hotel.

It is worth noting that some hotels in Dubai have a “no tipping” policy in place. In these cases, guests are informed in advance that tips are not required, and service charges are the only added fees they are responsible for. While this policy may not directly affect the salary of waiters and waitresses, it can be a factor to consider when choosing where to work.

Despite the variation in tipping practices, the total tips and service charges earned by waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels can be a substantial amount, making a significant contribution to their overall earnings.

It is important for waiters and waitresses to have a good understanding of these practices, as they can affect their earnings and overall experience when working in a Dubai hotel.

Comparison of Waiter and Waitress Salaries in Different Dubai Hotels

Waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels earn salaries that vary considerably depending on several factors such as the hotel location, culture and background of the guests, and the level of experience required for the job. In general, those who work in high-end hotels earn more than those in budget-friendly hotels, but even within each category, salary levels can vary tremendously. Here is an overview of waiter and waitress salary ranges in different categories of hotels in Dubai.

Luxury Hotels

Luxury hotels, or those in the five-star category, offer the highest earnings for waiters and waitresses in Dubai. The reason is that guests expect top-notch service in these establishments, and that service is costly to provide. In addition, luxury hotels usually require a higher level of experience and training for their staff, which justifies higher salaries. A waiter or waitress in a luxury hotel can expect to earn between 3,000 to 5,000 NIS per month. For those with more experience, the salary range can go up to 7,000 NIS per month.

Mid-range Hotels

Waiters and waitresses working in mid-range hotels, or those in the three or four-star category, generally earn less than those in luxury hotels. In these hotels, the level of service is still quite high but may not be as extravagant as expected in five-star hotels. Waiters and waitresses generally earn between 2,000 to 3,000 NIS per month in these hotels. Salary increases come with experience, and experienced waiters and waitresses can expect to earn up to 4,000 NIS per month in mid-range hotels

Budget-friendly Hotels

In budget-friendly hotels, the salaries of waiters and waitresses are much lower than in luxury and mid-range hotels because the level of service is usually minimal. Waiters and waitresses earn between 1,500 to 2,000 NIS per month on average in these establishments. The benefit of working in a budget-friendly hotel is that there are more job opportunities available and minimal experience is required for most positions.


The location of the hotel where a waiter or waitress works has a significant impact on their salary. Hotels located in areas that attract more customers, such as near tourist attractions, beaches, and popular nightlife areas, tend to pay more. Waiters and waitresses working in hotels located in the downtown area of Dubai earn higher salaries than those in quieter, less populated areas of the city. In some cases, hotels may also provide accommodation, which is often a major consideration for many workers when choosing a job.

Services Offered

Waiters and waitresses working in hotels that offer more services tend to earn higher salaries than those in establishments that offer fewer services. For example, hotels with multiple restaurants, bars, and cafes will require more waiters and waitresses, and they will need to pay higher salaries to attract and retain good staff. On the other hand, hotels with just a single restaurant may only require a handful of waiters and waitresses and may not pay as much.

Cultural Needs of Guests

The cultural background of hotel guests can also affect the salary of waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels. Waiters and waitresses who can speak multiple languages and understand different cultural customs may be in higher demand and, consequently, could earn higher salaries. For example, a waiter or waitress who speaks Chinese and can serve guests from China may earn more than one who cannot. Similarly, those who are trained in serving Halal food, which is a must for Muslim guests, may be in higher demand and could earn more as well.

Experience Level

The experience level of a waiter or waitress is a key factor in determining their salary range, regardless of where they work. By definition, experienced workers have more skills and are able to handle more complex tasks than entry-level workers. As a result, they generally command higher salaries. In Dubai hotels, entry-level waiters and waitresses can expect to earn between 1,500 to 2,500 NIS per month, while those with several years of experience may earn up to 7,000 NIS per month.

Hotel Chain

The hotel chain is also an essential consideration when it comes to waiter and waitress salaries. Major hotel chains like Marriott, Hilton and Sofitel, which have established brands and reputations, tend to pay higher salaries compared to smaller, independent hotels. Large chain hotels also offer more opportunity for advancement and job stability, along with more comprehensive benefits packages. Smaller hotels, which have fewer resources to draw upon, may pay lower salaries but could offer more flexibility in terms of schedule, work hours, and lifestyle.

As shown in the discussion above, the salaries of waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels can vary widely based on a number of factors. It is important to recognize that while salaries are a key consideration, they are not the only factor that matters. Other issues, such as job stability, career advancement opportunities, benefits packages, and quality of life, should also be taken into account when considering a career in the United Arab Emirates.


Being a waiter or waitress in Dubai’s hotels can be an incredibly lucrative career choice. With the country’s strong and growing hospitality industry, the demand for talented employees continues to increase. From luxury hotels that offer lavish amenities to budget-friendly accommodations that provide affordable stays for the average guest, there are plenty of options for waiters and waitresses. They can start with a good salary range and move up in their careers over time, receiving promotions, experience, and justified salary increases.

In this article, we have discussed the average salary range of waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels. It varies greatly based on the level of experience, the type of hotel, and other important factors. We also talked about various hotel types in Dubai, from luxurious and high-end hotels to budget-friendly ones. Experience levels were also considered in this discussion and how it affects the salary.

Moreover, we noted the benefits and perks provided to waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels that include accommodations, insurance, education coverage, and free meals. The long working hours for these workers and factors that affect salaries and tips, such as hotel location, the type of service, cultural needs of guests, and how the hotels distribute tips and service charges, were also discussed.

Later in this article, we compared the salaries of waiters and waitresses in different hotels in Dubai, showing readers how much pay can vary even amongst similar hotels. We hope that through this article, readers have been able to see how the career choice of being a waiter or waitress in Dubai’s hotels can be both an exciting and lucrative option for those with the right qualifications and experience.

To conclude, it is quite apparent that the profession of waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels has great potential due to the incredibly positive outlook of this hospitality industry in Dubai. The growth in demand for waiters and waitresses is rapidly increasing and the industry has no intention of slowing down. Those who want to become part of this highly-regarded industry should do comprehensive research and prepare themselves with the necessary knowledge, experience, and skills to thrive in their careers.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Waiter and Waitress Salaries in Dubai Hotels

Here are some commonly asked questions that can help you better understand salaries for waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels:

  • What is the average salary range for a waiter or waitress working in Dubai hotels?
    The average salary range for waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels varies based on experience and job type, but typically ranges from 2,500 to 4,500 NIS per month.
  • How do the types of hotels in Dubai affect waiter and waitress salaries?
    The type of hotel can greatly affect the salary of waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels. Luxury hotels typically offer higher salaries, while budget-friendly hotels may offer lower salaries.
  • What factors can potentially impact a waiter or waitress’s salary in Dubai hotels?
    Factors that can potentially impact salaries for waiters and waitresses include location, type of service, cultural needs of guests, shift patterns, and experience level.
  • What sort of benefits and perks do waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels receive?
    Benefits and perks may include accommodation, health insurance, education coverage, and free meals.
  • What are the usual working hours for waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels?
    Waiters and waitresses may work long hours and depending on the business, may be required to work evenings, weekends, and holidays.
  • How does an individual’s experience level affect their salary in Dubai hotels?
    Dubai hotels often offer career progression opportunities and experienced staff members can expect to receive higher salaries as a result.
  • What is the average service charge and tips provided to waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels?
    The service charge and tips for waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels can vary greatly based on the hotel’s policies, but typically ranges from 5% – 15% added to the bill.
  • Are there factors other than salary that make being a waiter or waitress in Dubai hotels an attractive profession?
    Yes, the added incentives such as accommodation, health insurance, education coverage, and free meals make working as a waiter or waitress in Dubai hotels an attractive opportunity.
  • What are some of the challenges associated with being a waiter or waitress in Dubai hotels?
    Waiters and waitresses may have to work long hours, adjust to a multicultural environment, and handle difficult guests.
  • How is service charge distributed among waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels?
    Service charge is usually divided among the hotel’s staff, with waiters and waitresses receiving a percentage based on their sales record.


Explore the benefits of pursuing a career as a waiter or waitress in a Dubai hotel.

  • Lucrative Salaries: With the median salary for waiters and waitresses in Dubai hotels standing at around AED 3,000 per month, this can be a highly rewarding career path.
  • Rewarding Experience: Working in Dubai’s luxury hotels can be an enriching experience where employees develop their skills while providing top-notch services.
  • Career Growth Opportunities: Dubai presents considerable career and education opportunities for waiters and waitresses, with access to numerous professional and educational courses.
  • Additional Benefits: Apart from a good salary, waiters and waitresses working in Dubai hotels can receive health insurance, accommodation, education, transportation, and free meals.